Monday, April 13, 2009

A magical cottage in the woods

If I only know one thing about myself it is this: I am across the bored on everything. I go from tough girl to dainty lady, from left to right, Modern to classic, hot to cold. If you have seen the picture of the modern house I posted and compared it to this one then you should know what I am talking about. I cannot help it, it is just the way I am. I am not sure if it is an identity crisis or I really do just love all kinds of different things. I love this house though. I feel like any moment fairies will arrive with the tiny blonde child, Aurora, sleeping in their arms. It is magical.


  1. Hi Caitlin
    Thanks for commenting on my blog:)
    About the ladder, it actually isn't driftwood, Its an old metal ladder covered in paint. If you go to the store's site and look through all of the inspiration photos, you will see it again.
    I can't say I can think of where to get one. Perhaps antique stores in the Southwest. They are very common there.
    Sorry, I couldn't help more.

  2. Is this for real? Where is it located?
