Sunday, August 2, 2009

"I get by with a little help from my friends." - John Lennon

This is an entry to thank some good gets to the thank you as soon as I'm done with my rant, ha-ha.

This last week has been a pretty rough one guys. Due to a minor chemical imbalance, my hurt feelings/pride/dignity, and several arguments with my long-distance, military husband, I really did have the worst couple of days of my life. Okay.....I know I shouldn't be dramatic. If an, albeit, SAVAGE migraine and a spell of edgy depression is the worst thing that has happened to me I should be very grateful. Still it was pretty bad....

Bad week or not here I am, on this lovely Sunday night, totally fine. I would have loved to stay home from work, sleep forever and feel sorry for myself but I didn't. As a matter of fact I wasn't even late for work. I stayed late when I needed to, I put on a happy face when I had meetings with other teachers and made it through just fine. I consider myself to be a very strong woman and crying myself to sleep just wasn't going to cut it. And really, strong or not, I would have never called into work. I get anxiety about potty schedules, work-jobs, markers having the right caps on them and whether or not everyone cleaned their face after lunch.

Anyway, I did this with a little help from a few good friends and this entry is dedicated to all of those people. See? I told you I would get to it. They don't always know what to say but they are great listeners. And even if I'm in one of those pissed-that-you're-even-trying-to-make-me don't want to laugh moods, they always get a giggle out of me. Without them I would have made it through the week just as fine. A few less smiles and not as many laughs but just as fine. I am the kind of person who says "I don't need anyone," and I don't. I much prefer to do things alone, only worry about myself and if something doesn't get done or goes wrong, I'm the only person I can blame. But my friends love me in spite of this (I think) and I love them for that. I love them for coming to my rescue even if I don't want their help. I love them for telling me what I don't always want to hear, for keeping the times I cry a secret, and for letting me just be me. I'm a great actor, it's being "me" that's hard. I love you guys so much. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are my light in the storm!

Here are a few pictures of me and a person who is always there when I need her.

I'm always shocking her. :)

Unfortunately if we are in a picture, we think it's good regardless.

What a great kisser! :)

That's a real smile.

Like I said, "good regardless".

We have swag all our own.

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