Sunday, March 29, 2009


I would like to give anyone who happens to stumble across my accumulation of thought further insight into myself by addressing the title of my blog. I hope it gives you a better idea about me. The title comes from a quote by Buddha. Buddah says: Meditate. Live purely. Be quiet. Do your work with mastery. Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine! First lets address the star of the show, my favorite word ever, the word shine. Hearing it is like a peal of bells! I think s-h words sound obnoxious but the sharpness of the ine-ending is just fantastic. Shine, beautiful! Now for the quote itself, I think it is pretty self-explantory; live a pure life, be calm, clean, and still, master your passions, these are all things that everyone should do. Then there is the final line ..."like the moon come out from behind the clouds. Shine!" Which means stop blending in! Do not become a piece of furniture in a poorly decored room, be a work of art that jumps off the walls, be the color the pulls the room together, the chair that steals the show. Be the best you can be! SHINE! Shine with all your might. Work your hardest to find what makes you happy, to find the place that you belong, the place you shine!

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